Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Is fear the only thing to fear?

Ron Alexander The only thing to fear is fear itself. FDR

    MaryRose Winkler In my world Ron Alexander its a burning chair, FEAR is not an emotion, it is a behavior used to manipulate and control, it isn't even real, we might as well believe that bunny rabbits drive cars and PIGS FLY because when you give power to fear, its the same thing, you believe PIGS FLY right?

  • Ron Alexander Well, unfortunately, in another plane, a higher plane, you are probably right, but here on this plane, it is built into our instincts, our lower survival brain to help keep us safe! From wild animals. wild drivers and wild situations like riots and other unsafe situations. SORRY TO CONTINUALLY BURST YOUR BUBBLE DEAR, and who knows, like I said before, you may already be on that Higher Plane - do YOU inhabit Heaven on Earth dear - I experience IT more and more thankfully - THOSE HOLY INSTANTS ARE GETTING LONGER AND LONGER AND MORE FREQUENT GRATEFULLY!

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