Saturday, April 18, 2015

Do you abuse yourself?

MaryRose Winkler's photo.
I believe this applies to all of us, its seems to be a human thing, because its been going on forever... some how, "liking" ourselves seem to be taught as "egomania" to the point where we thought that "criticizing" ourselves was humility, and BOTH are WRONG!
Scotti Linden: I"m realizing how important 'self-love truly is...all those years of 'abuse' in every different shape and form makes me sad..but today i'm learning to love myself and forgive myself and therefore be able to love all of you!
Ron Alexander The reason I posted photo of "LIttle Ronnie" is that I find myself using the same abusive statements and manipulations that my parents used against me at that young innocent age - "You are lazy, worthless, will never make it, that will be one belt, two belts, this "whippiing" hurts me more than you, son, nobody ever helps me" on and on... AND MY OLDER BROTHER BULLIED ME AND THEN I BULLIED MY YOUNGER BROTHERS. including dear Brother Barry, the casualty of the Viet Nam war.Ron Alexander's photo.
MaryRose Winkler: Breaking the cycle is what its all about, that was THEM expressing their views, learning to parent ourselves with our OWN needs and loving attention breaks that cycle yes Ron? Ron Alexander Yes Dear MaryRose, good afternoon, it is like having to re-parent myself recognizing in forgiveness them and especially knowing the innocence of Little Ronnie!
Theda Parks:
No one can ever deny the things that happened to them.. especially as a young child. You came into this Earth plane with a purpose. To learn about the human experience.. in all its darkness and all its glory. Who better to help another than someone who has "been there"? I know that spirit within you burns bright... no matter what has happened. You are far more than the reflection you see in the mirror. Remember the story of Myrtle Fillmore and her healing? Someone said something that completely changed her view of things. She talked to her body.. apologized to it.. then filled it with the light of love and forgiveness.. it changed everything. May you be filled with thoughts of forgiveness for them and yourself so you can experience the joy that is waiting to be discovered. You are worthy. You are loved. You are a child of God. You matter. XOXO

Sharing.. thanks to Ron Alexander
For anyone who needs to see this today.. much love. XOXO

Ron Alexander Wow, Words of Wisdom, thanks Theda Parks, actually I am glowing now from your message and from my friends at the Mindfulness Book Group I was just attending nearby. I know all things pass, and I am grateful for all the experiences. There are no mistakes.
Andy Skadberg I understand Ron, actually just last night I had a powerful realization. I keep repeating the same phrases until I realize I would prefer not experience the drama, trauma or pain of them. One that I have been saying for over six years that has been my most painful experience in my life was revealed this morning. In my dream last night I heard the phrase and it is related to my children. I'm not going to repeat it because it is time to stop repeating that story, for me and them. This is a huge realization for me and could be embarrassing if I took it that way. I woke up realizing this world is like a drama school. Paramahansa Yogananda said it is a movie. You are a good person Ron.
    Andy Skadberg MORE LOVE is the salve that heals all, experienced and known, One Breath at a Time! 





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