Saturday, April 25, 2015

Authentic POWER? (guess - POWER OF ....?)

I really believe "our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." And I am sure it goes back to "Little Ronnie" who felt so powerless. Even my identity as a Captain, I still had that powerless little boy in me that I was trying to compensate for with being in control.
I know it is not egotistical. I know it is not having to be in control. I know it is not being a bully. I know it is not being offensive. I know it is not being defensive. WHAT IS IT?  Anybody?

Theda Parks Acceptance of self. Love and fear cannot exist in the same space. If you truly believe that "our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." you need to ask yourself "Why?"
Ron Alexander Nice answer Theda Parks! I will reflect on it, but I feel it's authenticity already, thanks so much! And I was "asking" you must think "authentic power is LOVE? Like · 2
    Ashleigh Grace The whole time I was growing up, I was beat up by groups of bully boys and laughed at by the girls because I looked like a little girl in boy's clothes. Today, I am grown up, a woman and nobody beats me up or laughs at me to my face.~"Love is the courage to live the truest, best version of yourself."
    ~Kim Kardashian 
    Ashleigh Grace When you show up authentic, you give others the permission to also be authentic.
  • MaryRose Winkler All OR most of us were picked on Ron, your in the majority on this one and I won't even replay the things I heard, I refuse to give the immaturity of tothers any power because I'm a beautiful human being who deserves TO love & BE loved yes Ron Alexander

  • Ron Alexander First of all being a beautiful little girl is completely different from being a beautiful little boy with all due respect. Little girls are praised and flattered - little boys like that are belittled and humiliated. BIG DIFFERENCE! When you are really young, MaryRose, and have Marine Father and 19 month older brother picking on you and Mom giving you guilt trips passively/aggressively, it is hard to get those voices and emotions out of you neural pathways, however you are right - choose Love over fear every time and these "pathways" can be changed. Love is Power and I am POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE!



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