Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Support Vets and VA Hospitals

Ron Alexander: I am so grateful for your visits to the VA - we vets. and the VA hospitals need our support. Some politicians try to demonize these wonderful hospitals. I have worked in many hospitals as a clinical pathologist and then as a counselor. I have found that the VA hospitals have the best community feeling and most committed personel. In our state, the other hospitals are rated on how much money they make - sick! And we have one of the worst healthcare records in the states
    MaryRose Winkler: Truly Ron, I can read between your lines for sure... AND YES every VA needs EVERYONES support, even one or two hours a MONTH can make the huge difference to the whole world / heart of the collective.

    Yes the community feeling there is phenomenal, its grace under fire in all areas of life... I can "literally" SEE the hero's in their youth, I SEE them walking proud, strong and willing to give their lives for what they believe in , truly Ron is there any better definition then that for owning our own body, mind & spirit...?

    I have been in the MPLS VA (HUGE, extremely HUGE place, and the JACKSON, MS VA, and its all the same feeling when I walk out the door, what can I do, how can I help, how can others ignore these people's needs and it reminds me of many nursing homes across this "great" (yes I say that as a smart pants) country... where they just park you and forget about you, so yes they are grateful to see smiling faces, get some well deserved attention and be honored for the hero's that they are...

    THANK YOU for all you do for our veterans, truly together we do make a difference and THAT is what the heart connection is truly about yes bro? Ron Alexander

  • MaryRose wrote: "Please do, the more that connect with this energy, that get a gut feeling when they read it, the more that are empowered to step up and share their own light...

    As you know, MAW often has stated through her fabulous quote "OUR PLAYING SMALL DOESN"T HELP ANYONE... when I face my own dynamic of my existence, I EMPOWER OTHERS TO DO THE SAME.. (paraphrasing of course)

    But you get it, when we empower ourselves, we empower all those we touch to make that heart connection, to shine our light, to come to-GATHER & to-GETHER to bring the joy that we really are by our existence into reality now & forever yes? Ron Alexander ♥" (one small step at a time, Ron)

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