Sunday, March 15, 2015

Soul Recovery - metaphysical keys along with 12 steps

Ester Nicholson is one of the most courageous people in facing her own inner demons (from cocaine addiction) in her recovery that I know...
Well, last weekend during the airing of my episode on "In The Deep Shift" on the OWN Network, I felt such gratitude and humility for so many reasons.
    MaryRose Winkler Isn't it really amazing though Ron, when we connect to our pure heart / soul / spirit, no steps are needed? The soul doesn't need the healing, its already healed, its always been WHOLE and it will always be HOLY, it is called LIFE, and the ego keeps perpetuating the sickness, keep it up everyone, keep ignoring the WHOLENESS of spirit and the sickness will continue...grrrr I crabby today right? LOLOL XOX Sharing her book on FGRG and FGTS, thank you Ron,

    (and don't take anything I say personally, I just spouting off from my own ego, I will calm down at 4.00 when she is back at airport and out of town again...whewww, two weeks and I get to go home, in the mean time I'm doing doggie day care for my daughters dogs, 3 min pins that are more high strung in one day then I have been in my whole friggin life, at 65 let me tell you, they wear ME out, lol at the end of the day, we are ALL passed out LOLOL xox Ron Alexander

  • Ron Alexander Well not offense to me MaryRose, thanks for trusting me enough to vent to me...WE ARE ALL INNOCENT (even our ego)

    MaryRose Winkler I'm trying to remember that, I've been saying it for 3 days now Ron, thanks for the reminder LOL Ron Alexander good to hear it from others for sure

    MaryRose Winkler And when will people step up to the plate and OWN the faith their talking about... you know I LOVE Mariainne Williamson and in one of her books she talks about "unshakeable faith" in the Universe, where has that gone? And I love her quote about people having more faith in violence to hurt them then they do faith in GOD to protect them... really I need to make that graphic daily for myself AND others LOLOL OK I "think" I'm done, have a great day Ron, blessings xox Ron Alexander

    MaryRose Winkler sometimes I think by - well the saying "energy goes where attention flows" and the more we acknowledge and give the imbalance power, the more we continue it and like Cheril has said thousands of times, most times its a deep trauma from early childhood and as gross as it sounds:

    "if you cut off the head of a snake, the tail won't rattle"

    In our society we tret the symptom and you know the Course Ron, the symptom just moves... when we get to the "CAUSE" we promote a "CURE" and the tail doesn't rattle anymore

    Walter Russell also talks of this energy way before the COURSE was written... we are all electrical waves with a consciousness, very simple, just as the KISS principle in AA supports, keep it simple sweetheart
    Foreword to 1953 Edition This story of the life of Walter Russell was first published in 1946 when he lived in Carnegie Hall, in New York City. Many re...


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