Monday, March 16, 2015

Sen. Cotton's Letter to Iran was "mutinous"

Ron -

I wouldn't call Senator Tom Cotton a traitor for penning his letter to the "Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

But I would say his actions were mutinous.

Senator Cotton's letter was a gross breach of discipline, and especially as a veteran of the United States Army, he should know better. To directly engage a foreign entity, in that way, undermines the work of our diplomats and strains the structure that our foreign relations depend on.

As veterans, military family members, and VoteVets supporters, we have an important voice in this debate.

Sign VoteVets' petition expressing your displeasure with Senator Cotton's attempts to derail *any* deal to disabuse Iran of their nuclear ambitions.

The truth is, Senator Cotton probably recognizes the gravity of the choice he made, but simply does not care. He basically said as much on the Sunday shows this weekend.

But the support of his allies has begun to fray at the edges, with several publicly expressing that the letter to Iran was not the best idea.

It's important that we keep the pressure up:

1. To send a strong message that the letter was a misguided attempt to shape American foreign policy. There are better approaches.

2. To let Senators know that a diplomacy-first approach with Iran is the best chance we have to keep them from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Sign our letter to Senator Cotton today:

Diplomats have set a goal to reach a political framework for an agreement by the end of the month.

Thanks for helping VoteVets send a message that we stand against Senator Cotton's efforts to derail that effort.

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