Thursday, March 26, 2015

Let Nothing Disturb You (LET PEACE BEGIN WITH ME)

Ron Alexander: I am pro-peace, and could not believe when Hillary went along with Iraq war, and a lot of my friends succumbed to the propaganda put out by Bush, especially Cheney ("don't worry about paying for it, all their oil will more than pay for it", and his Halliburton Co. is still making Billions, to clean up what we messed up). I also went to Washington to march
against the war - mostly young college kids and elders like me, and dismayed when our media did not interview us - only the relatively small skirmishes on the sidelines. European media interviewed us.) That being said I don't believe in going to war against war - same mental attitude - that is why I say I am pro-peace. And I don't believe in being disturbed by anything...why lose our peace to try to gain peace - does not make sense.
Let nothing disturb you.
Let nothing frighten you.
All things are changing.
God alone is changeless.
Patience attains the good.
One who has God (LOVE)
lacks nothing.
God alone fills all our needs.
St. Teresa of Avila

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