Monday, March 30, 2015

Healing Light Angels are Speaking

'The Angels have recently asked me to focus on the healing of others, particular those who have been victims of catastrophic diseases – as well as those who are heroically fighting these horrific diseases.  The Angels, particularly Archangel Raphael, are asking that we devote time each and every day to pray for those affected, their friends and family members, and especially those healthcare workers who are dedicated to helping fight and eradicate this virus.

The Angels know that the world is in fear at this time and they want us to be proactive, to be cautious, and to have faith that this can be contained and removed – just as other diseases have been.  They want us to let go of the fear – which is feeding the situation – and to pray, send positive affirmations and to trust and believe that all will happen precisely as it should.

They ask that we visualize everyone on this earth as being healthy, vibrant and thriving.  We can and we WILL vanquish this virus.  The Angels have promised this and we must all do our part to assist.

Please spend just a few minutes each day with the positive intent of seeing our Mother Earth and all life upon her thriving, healthy and strong. This will help change the vibrational patterns that are currently holding us down. <3'
The Angels have recently asked me to focus on the healing of others, particular those who have been victims of catastrophic diseases – as well as those who are ...heroically fighting these horrific diseases. The Angels, particularly Archangel Raphael, are asking that we devote time each and every day to pray for those affected, their friends and family members, and especially those healthcare workers who are dedicated to helping fight and eradicate this virus.
The Angels know that the world is in fear at this time and they want us to be proactive, to be cautious, and to have faith that this can be contained and removed – just as other diseases have been. They want us to let go of the fear – which is feeding the situation – and to pray, send positive affirmations and to trust and believe that all will happen precisely as it should.
They ask that we visualize everyone on this earth as being healthy, vibrant and thriving. We can and we WILL vanquish this virus. The Angels have promised this and we must all do our part to assist.
Please spend just a few minutes each day with the positive intent of seeing our Mother Earth and all life upon her thriving, healthy and strong. This will help change the vibrational patterns that are currently holding us down. heart emoticon

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