Monday, March 2, 2015

Gratefully Blessed for Being Funded, thank you!

Bless you for all you're doing xoxoxo I watched your vid and contributed what I could and wish you all the best on your's an important one...our storytelling. So often...War steels the mind as it steals hearts and souls. I know my son will never be the child I raised and knew. There is a gaping hole between us after his 4 tours in war zones, and I don't know that anything can ever bridge that gap  watched a movie called *Brothers* last night, a story of one brother going off to war and the incredible train wreck he became after being captured...what he did to survive. I hope your loving efforts will help many find themselves again ~ Bless ~

- "Kathy Roediger: I just watched your wonderful tribute to your brother and so hope you'll get enough funding to persue this Ron Alexander. So many lost at such a young age and the horrible warring goes on. Sad times 1,000's upon 1,000's."

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