Sunday, March 15, 2015

Good Mind Clearing first thing in AM and just before sleep.

This morning it came to my attention that what I have left out of my practice is to meditate as soon as possible after interaction with the external world. What I have been doing after being out and about, or sharing with friends or family is either working, taking a nap, or watching TV. Nothing wrong with those, but it is still not sitting in silence and connecting to the Presence.
The result of that is mind doesn't shut off and I have difficulty sleeping at night, or body appears to have discordant symptoms. Funny how even after all these years this is so clear. When I do meditate after interactions it does all flow and none of the above takes place. Grateful it has been made clear to me now and I will pay attention. heart emoticon

  • Ron Alexander Yep, sound reasoning, sitting so the mind clears and sleep is much better. Thanks for reminder!
  • Ron Alexander Well, I got my 10 or 15 in just before bedtime and slept better. Also, I did my usual AM 15 or more minutes, which make my day go better. Thanks so much Iriana!

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