Sunday, March 29, 2015

GOD gave us a free will because GOD does not coerce

Spirituality is your individual walk with God. Every man on Earth is living and making choices in accordance with an invisible life plan that was prepared for your individual enlightenment...What is spirituality? Your individual or personal walk with God, as well as your interactions with other humans...All of it was predefined. You meet no one by accident in this life...You do nothing by chance.....
Janice Wiggins
Janice Wiggins 4:35pm Mar 29
Every aspect of being a human is explored through reincarnation....To complete the spiritual cycle of learning....we must become all that a human can be....To eliminate judgment. To make all men one and the same...;...To eliminate all differences between one man and another...

  • Ron Alexander "GOD gave us a free will, because GOD does not coerce." thanks Janice!

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