Monday, March 30, 2015

Attempting to get Dr. John Wesley Fisher down here to talk to PTSD Therapist

Please also send this information to Mac Burdette, director at Patriot’s Point.  I feel sure he would love to have John give his presentation at one of their volunteer meetings.  Most of their volunteers are VN Veterans.  We clinicians have recently been on a field trip to the new Vietnam Experience and is something to behold.  Mac and his volunteers are trying to branch out more into the community to help other Veterans.  His email is M
Hope to see you tomorrow,
PS – Tina Kuhlman has your book in her office next to mine.  Thanks for sharing it!
Subject: Re: Besides RISE,  I consider this book to be a must for those working with PTSD - Angels in Vietnam
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Dear Steph, I will be in tomorrow, and I would like to talk to Dr. Ron about Dr. John Wesley Fisher coming down and giving a talk and a slide shows about his annual healing trip to Vietnam, where he has set up Agent Orange clinics and works in them.
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 John lives in Murrell's Inlet and is available for speaking with slide show about his trips back to Viet Nam for healing purposes.
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 John lives in Murrell's Inlet and is available for speaking with slide show about his trips back to Viet Nam for healing purposes.

John’s purpose is healing and taking vets. Back to Viet Nam, where he helps out at Healing Centers, and re-introduces vets back to their former “enemies”, who take them right into their homes and treats them like Brothers.
5.0 out of 5 stars Angels in Vietnam September 24, 2010
By Cynthia
I am an avid reader and I have never had a book capture all my emotions like this one. I was not to familiar with this war but I now have such a heart felt understanding for our soldiers and the pain that they went through during battle and afterwards at home that it is heart breaking and yet wonderful to know that there is help for their emotional state. A must read.
Debbie S.

Thanks Ron...I'm going to order it smile emoticonMy son has spent 4 yrs. of his life on 4 tours, 2 in Iraq and 2 in Afghanistan. He's a Warrant Officer 2 in the Army and still IN the Army, even after a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. Of course he, nor anyone else will tell me much about the injuries he got with the Purple Heart, but the basic story is that he was with some guys and going to retrieve a downed Humvee. They'd all just gotten out of their vehicle when an IED hit. My son was unconscious, and when he came to, he gathered up his guys (and some were dead and in pieces and parts), put them in their vehicle and drove back to base. I heard he had head trauma and was transferred to a hospital for several months. I also heard he has very bad PTSD. WHY he's still in the Army, I don't know. I saw him in July 2013 when he came home for my other son's funeral. Yeah, I unexpectedly lost the child I never thought I would, and that son's death was suspicious. He was a peace officer, but was off work when he died. Anyway, my son who died received a 21 gun salute at his funeral, and my military son almost fainted dead away at the noise. Just crazy awful. My own dad was at Nagasaki after they dropped the bomb, and he had night terrors and would wake up screaming. They did not call that PTSD then. He dropped dead at 35. I found out the bomb was plutonium and affects muscle, and the heart is a muscle. Many others suffered ongoing heart attacks or died young of heart attacks or heart problems besides the cancer. My military son's father and uncle were both Vietnam veterans and they both killed themselves. Yeah...I've pretty much been surrounded by the darker side of war and why, in my first public speech at a peace rally, my most famous line (I guess, since it ended up on NPR radio) was that WAR FOLLOWS EVERY SOLDIER HOME. It does Ron, believe me, it does. Hugs friend xoxoxo

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