Monday, March 23, 2015

A book where You learn there are No Mistakes in a lifetime

Thanks Bro. My most recent books are both by local writers Angels in Vietnam by John Wesley Fisher and then Natural Destiny by Sherry Dixon. Here is quote from ANGELS: (Charlie (John) is feeling much regret (pain) for his killing "enemies" in VietNam - "...for awhile I even felt like taking my own life. Why didn't you?(Gwen) I'm not sure. I guess it was because the discussion about pain with James (a healer). He helped me understand about pain. (Gwen) You experienced a healin...g, so now you can deal with the pain. You can deal with the anger too. (Charlie) I don't think so. My country...(angry at being drafted). (Gwen) Listen for a moment. Charlie nodded - (Gwen) There are no mistakes in a lifetime. Everything that happens has a reason. (Charlie) What, how can that be? (Gwen) IN THE UNIVERSE, THERE IS A RULE. EVERYTHING HAPPENS BECAUSE OF A NATURAL FLOW. THERE ARE PLANS FOR YOU CHARLIE, BIG PLANS. MAYBE SURFING IS NOT PART OF THEM.(Charlie was a champion surfer before Vietnam.) But surfing is my whole life. (Gwen) Exactly, So I guess the Universe had to do something drastic to get your attention. Like making me go to war to kill people? I know it is hard to believe, but nothing happens outside of the plan. Surfing was your whole life, and there wasn't room for anything else. Perhaps Vietnam was the only thing that could help you that there was more in life..."

  • Ron Alexander John Wesley Fisher is one of those rare, courageous and devoted individuals who has the will, intelligence and capacity to complete the most difficult and demanding journeys. His journey took him from being a Minister's son cavorting on beautiful beaches to the deepest regions of hell on earth we call war. ANGEL IN VIETNAM documents both the blessed and challenging events on this long journey. It helps us all to honestly grasp the terrible realities of war. And it helps readers discover the guiding forces at work in the universe that supports us all, and how we may transform the most horrific experiences into life lessons that bring maturity, wisdom, compassion and healing. Accompany John Wesley Fisher on his journey. It will transform you. --Edward Tick, Ph.D. Author of War and the Soul, Director, Soldier's Be your Heart and Soul


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