Friday, February 13, 2015

With a new heart and Spirit, nothing can disturb me

With a new heart and Spirit, nothing can disturb me

 A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit will I put with you.- Ezekiel 36:26
Remaining constantly open to the Love of God within ourselves can produce great results. We can overcome the troubles and difficulties that we have allowed to enter into our lives when we remember that Love is that creating and sustaining Presence within all.
God loves, moves, gives and exists in me. As I eliminate anger and resentment, the Div
ine Nature flows freely through me. The Life-giving qualities are forever in motion. There is nothing in me that can stop, even for a second, the flow of Divine Energy and there is only loving right action. The Warmth of love circulates through my mind, my body, and my world. The energy that I would have used in being angry, I now release in love. I dismiss all tendency to be angry, fearful or resentful. In exchange I am filled with faith, love and trust (Ernest Holmes, paraphrased).
With a new heart and Spirit, nothing can disturb me
A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit will I put with you.- Ezekiel 36:26
Remaining constantly open to the Love of God within ourselves can produce great results. We can overcome the troubles and difficulties that we have allowed to enter into our lives when we remember that Love is that creating and sustaining Presence within all.
God loves, moves, gives and exists in me. As I eliminate anger and resentment, the Divine Nature flows freely through me. The Life-giving qualities are forever in motion. There is nothing in me that can stop, even for a second, the flow of Divine Energy and there is only loving right action. The Warmth of love circulates through my mind, my body, and my world. The energy that I would have used in being angry, I now release in love. I dismiss all tendency to be angry, fearful or resentful. In exchange I am filled with faith, love and  trust (Ernest Holmes, paraphrased).

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