Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Secret of Life

The Secret of Life (Ernest Holmes paraphrased by Ron Alexander)

Using the Power of God to Transform Our Life

The God of love and peace shall be with you. —II Corinthians 13:11

God is pure Spirit, filling all space. This pure Spirit animates our every act. This is the real us, which lives in a real God and the two are one. To know this is to understand the secret of life. To realize this is to understand your relationship with the Divine Presence. To understand that the Law of God (Love) is written in your own mind is to make available to you a power that can meet every need.

I have a direct experience of conscious contact with the Divine – a living and dynamic reality. Right now, I feel a flow of Energy, of Light and Love filling my entire Being. I know I am one with an Infinite Presence that fills my life with peace, harmony and joy.  I let go of all negative beliefs, and affirm that LOVE IS TRANSFORMING MY LIFE TODAY.

The Divine Presence within me is everlasting Love. God in me does the loving and I have no fear. God in me is never troubled. Nothing can take love from me or keep it out of my heart. Love enters freely, and there is no restriction to it. I came into this world to love, and I am loving. I express my love for God, a boundless gratitude, because I live. God rejoices for me, because of and by means of me.

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