Monday, February 9, 2015

Love your ego too!

In unconditional love, ego disappears!
In unconditional love, ego disappears!


  • Ron Alexander With unconditional love, you love your ego too! The ego is just as important to us as our body, now egoism, egotisticalism is from an unbalanced ego trying to compensate from feeling less than, hurt, abused inner child. Watch your ego just as much as you would watch your child - tough love and strong boundaries WITH UNCONDITIONAL REGARD!

    Davida Luminabes true beauty and love is different than narcissism.. an egoic personality doesn't realize love..
    Ron Alexander agree, thanks Davida Luminabes - that was point I was trying to make!
    Ron Alexander And I add Davida Luminabes, an "egoic personality" comes from having a abused childhood - "egoism" is trying to compensate for the hurt child.

    Davida Luminabes so true, ron.. 'only hurt people hurt people'..
  • "Mean people are really just sad people. They hurt others because they are hurting. Every person is born beautiful, and much of the ugliness in others was put inside of them by other hurting people." 
— Bryant McGill 

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    "Mean people are really just sad people. They hurt others because they are hurting. Every person is born beautiful, and much of the ugliness in others was put inside of them by other hurting people."
    Bryant McGill

    MaryRose Winkler Glad you mentioned that Ron, its always about the mask we wear to cover the hurt which is covering our innocence.... always lashing out, is a cry for help xox

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