Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Withhold Love and feel the pain

This is also an echo in the COURSE in MIRACLES. priceless, anything we hang onto we loose yes? anything we release we get back 10 fold yes because all energy is in constant movement, energy NEVER, EVER stops, it is ALWAYS moving, we are but amateur dancers in the waltz of life itself... so "release the love, release the cure, release the healing"

RELEASE WHATEVER you think is POSITIVE FOR YOU and it will return 10 fold, trust I have just been doing this in the last 2 months and truly I can tell you IT WORKS! 

For those of you who know me, I took this pic yesterday at the PHoenix post office, almost got dizzy and fell down looking up, for my baby boomer friends, you will DEFINITELY UNDERSTAND ROFLMBO LOLOLOL
This is also an echo in the COURSE in MIRACLES. priceless, anything we hang onto we loose yes? anything we release we get back 10 fold yes because all energy is... in constant movement, energy NEVER, EVER stops, it is ALWAYS moving, we are but amateur dancers in the waltz of life itself... so "release the love, release the cure, release the healing"
RELEASE WHATEVER you think is POSITIVE FOR YOU and it will return 10 fold, trust I have just been doing this in the last 2 months and truly I can tell you IT WORKS!
For those of you who know me, I took this pic yesterday at the PHoenix post office, almost got dizzy and fell down looking up, for my baby boomer friends, you will DEFINITELY UNDERSTAND ROFLMBO LOLOLOL

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