Thursday, January 1, 2015

Nothing can bother you as much as your own mind

#Omtimes #Conscious #Lifestyle

    Richard Kent Matthews Not always. Throwing me off a cliff is THEIR fault.

  • Ron Alexander Are you sure you did not imagine that Rev. Richard Kent Matthews? lol

    MaryRose Winkler Not sure what you guys are talking about, but I got thrown off a cliff on Friday and today is the first day I haven't bled...

    Ron Alexander Somebody actually threw you off cliff dear MaryRose Winkler? Wow? Glad you are not bleeding anymore!

    Richard Kent Matthews MaryRose makes the point, Ron Alexander.

    MaryRose Winkler Yes I'm not responsible for how "others" act and I will not take responsible for them marking their souls / spirits. I am however, responsible for how I choose to re-act to their behavior toward me and I choose understanding, compassion & love, for it is the only healing energy on the planet...

    We are never responsible for how another feels, thinks and/or acts. We can only be responsbile for how we feel, think and/or act. This is a concept that everyone needs to "get" and then we will all be living in utopia... in a nutshell, STOP re-acting & START vibrating from a heart centered love for all....

    Richard Kent Matthews But there is also the old axiom: Forgive, but take no more shit. I try to live by that humble standard.

    Ron Alexander "In defenselessness my safety lies..." ACIM. Have you ever tried Akido - the martial arts of defenselessness? Rev. Richard Kent Matthews And MaryRose Winkler?

    Ron Alexander LIKE: "...and I choose understanding, compassion & love, for it is the only healing energy on the planet..." thanks MaryRose Winkler!

    Richard Kent Matthews No, and ACIM is not my cup o' tea. But there are many ways to 'take no shit' without lifting a hand or a weapon to anyone. Many.
    Ron Alexander Give me some examples except "running" or "hiding" or ???Rev. Richard Kent Matthews?

    Richard Kent Matthews First and foremost, accepting full responsibility for our reactions, as MaryRose pointed out. Second, do not place yourself in situations that allow others to take advantage of you. And finally, always be in a giving mode. It's hard to toss shit at a moving target. Jesus put this way: Cast your bread upon the water. Always be willing to be available. The shit should stop any moment now.


    Richard Kent Matthews Oh, just so you know, any 'channeler' who claims or even hints that the disembodied 'teacher' is either Jesus (ACIM) or God (Conversations with God, NDWalsh) is misguided. My view is, if the Source of the universe wants to get a message across to me, let It speak directly, to my heart and mind. And, fortunately, that's always been the case. Thx.
    Ron Alexander And I still agree with "Nothing can bother you as much as your own mind." Obsessing about it or fear or unresolved anger and grief can create "monkey mind, And there are certain things I have learned from ACIM have been very helpful especially "in my defenselessness my safety lies!" Rev. Richard Kent Matthews, and I do agree it is also a dualistic judgemental ego body demonizing text! Try being defenseless, it is amazing how wonderful it works. and it sounds like some of what you wrote above. That philosophy has allowed me to work with some very extreme right wing vets who talked about assisanating the president when I first met them, and at first hating me,

     became my friends and turned off their violent rhetoric (at least around me).
    23 mins · Like · 1
  • MaryRose Winkler There is nothing to defend, thats the same illusion as the mushroom in Alice in Wonderland...

    When the twins were growing up, everyone at school would "compare" them so I had to think quickly to resolve the issue... so I made up a ZEN story... I call
    it the burning chair, I will post it here if anyone is interested to read... (and we still use this concept for everything)

    I told them if they look at a chair and it is NOT burning, "but" I tell them its burning, would they go throw water on it because "I" said it was burning even though they could see it was burning, of course NOT... this is the illusion concept, why react to something that is NOT, its much more peaceful to focus on the innocence behind the circumstances.

    Its the same with the Mushroom for Alice in Wonderland, why would anyone focus on what ISN"T when what IS, is spectacular, holy & filled with grace & goodness?
  • MaryRose Winkler This worked for my children & many others I have told and to this day we use the "burning chair" concept to identify and remind ourselves that re-acting to illusion, just feeds the illusion and robs us of the grace & goodness all around us... focus on the peace and return to love always

    Ron Alexander Byron Katy does a good job with her inquiry therapy - "Is it true, Is it absolutely true? What is the gift in believing that?! In other word, holding a belief or story in your mind long after the incident is unhealthy!

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