Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I accept my Inheritance of Wholeness

Ye shall have a song, as in the night...and the gladness of heart, as when one goeth...into the mountain of the Lord. --Isaiah 30:29

Let us see if we cannot take the flute of faith and go into the mountain of the Lord, which is the secret place of the Most High within us, and let the whole harmony of our lives flow from that perfect Spirit that is at the center of everything.

I am One with the infinite and perfect Spirit, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts, I open my mind and my heart, and indeed, my body, to the inflow of this Divine Presence. I know that this living Presence is in every cell of my body and every function of my being. I accept It as my health of body, here and now. I accept It as that which looses from me all that is unlike the perfect expression of Life. There is no doubt or fear in my mind that rejects in any way all that God is, right here and right now.

My conscious acceptance of the fullness of the Presence of Good flows out in joy and love to bless those whom I would help, those with whom I would share this inner joy. And I decree that the loved one I now bring into the scope of my thought is blessed and healed through the Presence of Good that is within. The radiance of my joy in my own heart brings happiness into the lives of those around me. The Abundance that benefits me supplies everyone around me with the good things of life. The Light that warms the center of my own being so shines forth that all may find guidance and warmth and comfort in It's rays.  This is the Light that lighteht every person that comes into the world. This is the Fount from which spring the living waters. I drink, and will not thirst again. and even as I drink I hand the chalice of my faith to all.  Ernest Holmes (paraphrased)


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