Friday, January 23, 2015

Fervor gone?

When the soul betrays itself and loses the blessed and longed-for fervor, let it carefully investigate the reason for losing it. And let it arm itself with all its longing and zeal against whatever caused this. For the former fervor can return only through the same door through which it was lost.
St. John Climacus(
The Ladder of
noun: fervour; noun: fervor
  1. intense and passionate feeling.
    "he talked with all the fervor of a new convert"
    synonyms:passion, ardor, intensity, zeal, vehemence, emotion, warmth, earnestness, avidity, eagerness, keenness, enthusiasm, excitement, animation, vigor, energy, fire, spirit, zest, fervency
    "even the smallest of tasks he tackled with fervor"
    • archaic
      intense heat.
      plural noun: fervours; plural noun: fervors Divine Ascent

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