Saturday, January 24, 2015

DogTags and Body Bags (with Healing Epiphany at end)

There was a very healing epiphany for me revealed at the end in the last three sentences:
healing from survivor's guilt and immense grief!
Dearest Ron, Heartfelt thanks for sharing this.  Your healing journey is so inspiring that it moves me to tears!  This is so beautifully conceived and put together.  You have expressed yourself eloquently and with deep meaningfulness.  Knowing how hard-earned this piece is makes me appreciative beyond words.  It is sure to help others in their own journeys of healing.  What a wonderful tribute this is to your brother, too.  I'm sure he is loving, thanking, and celebrating you from the 0ther side - just as so many of us do on this side!
Susan Boles Ron, this is beautifully done. May it bring forever knowing of LOVE. May we know we are living the script chosen before birth, the script that awakens us to knowing that we are breathed out in Love, live in Love, return to Love. It is impossible to be separate from Love. May you and I remember....always. Infinite Love, Light, Life, Laughter and Lavishness! Thank you for all of the Awakening you are experiencing. It makes it easier for the rest of us.       
Ronald E. Fugiel :After all these years, I have never quite gotten over all the friends I lost to Viet Nam. From family, to friends I made in basic. I too was drafted, I enlisted to avoid going overseas. Went to Fort Polk for basic and S.E.R.E training. Out of our company, I was one of six who were R.A.. We were ridiculed, and treated as outcasts. We endured, 12 men took their lives during basic. We were the last group to go through Brown Boot Training. Upon graduation day, the entire company was shipped to Nam, minus us six. I stayed in touch with a few, stopped writing when the letters were returned deceased. The letters I did get, told a story of young men, not properly prepared to mount an attack on Cambodia. athrough the years I kept my feelings and emotions bottled up. Thank You for posting your experience. Aloha Ron. 21 hrs · Unlike · 2 Ron Alexander (from V.) Dear Ron, Heartfelt thanks for sharing this. Your healing journey is so inspiring that it moves me to tears! This is so beautifully conceived and put together. You have expressed yourself eloquently and with deep meaningfulness. Knowing how hard-earned this piece is makes me appreciative beyond words. It is sure to help others in their own journeys of healing. What a wonderful tribute this is to your brother, too. I'm sure he is loving, thanking, and celebrating you from the 0ther side - just as so many of us do on this side! ... Pamela Arrington This was such a moving piece Ron. I watched it several times. Very heart wrenching for me but I totally agree. It's a help in letting go. Ron Alexander thanks dear Pamela Arrington - LIGHT at the end of long 45 year tunnel- late is better than never! LOVE IS FOREVER!
Robyn Summers-Shelley I love it Ron. Thank you for sharing these precious memories x
I think you will get a lot out of this healing video - I have obtained a lot of healing from it! Love is forever and we will always be connected! Ron Alexander (Jeanne Porter Ashley had nothing to do with this video!) 45 years of darkness revealing LIGHT at end of tunnel       
Effie Aghili                           
What a beautiful and touching video.  Indeed love last forever and our spirit is immortal. Love and light to your beloved brother's soul and you dear Ron       

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