Friday, January 2, 2015

Dedicating to Service, therefore less posts here - Know you are blessed!

Doors will open with dedication to Service
If you dedicate yourself to service, the doors will open.
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan(

In asking for clarity for New Years, I came up with the idea that I was spending too much time on face book. I love you supportive inspirational friends, howeve...r I want to spend more time being in mindfulness while writing and being of service! For I know that is where my happiness lies! I may limit myself to one post per day? And make it more personal, unless I see one that really strikes me like the one below. What I know is that love is energy and lasts forever, and it is time to stop searching so much and begin living my belief through mindful writing and service. Infinite Love, Ron Alexander
Theda Parks I love FB, but it can definitely be a time-suck!
Carrie Nelson I allowed Facebook to replace the friends I lost when I relocated 14 yrs ago. Hard to believe it has been that long. I am with you Ron, I must concentrate more on the things I have laid aside. My commitment to service, and just the connection with humanity. I enjoy my fb friends and post, but I need to touch something that will bring that sense of accomplishment. Pray that I am strengthened in those directions.
Lugene Gibeault commented on your photo.
Lugene wrote: "Comes to mind myself too! "more offline more on life" "get off line and get on life"....almost sounds robotic at other times lol Online off life. Offline On life...Godspeed to you

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