Sunday, January 4, 2015

Come as a child again into the simple spontaneous joy of living

Come as a child again, a simple spontaneous joy of living
I enter into the Gladness of Living
Who would not be a child again? Who would not again have the simple faith and childlike trust that somehow or other we seem to lose on the pathway of human experience. Things crowd in on us until we seem to lose some of the greatest of all gifts – the simple, spontaneous joy of living and a trust in the Power of good, which alone is able, ready and willing to meet all of our needs. Let us, then, again return to the place of assurance that comes with the simplicity of faith.
I now release the multitude of doubts and fears that crowd into my mind, and I  become quiet so that the Divine miracle may take place in my life. I let every good I possess become multiplied as Divine Love acts upon my faith to bring into my experience everything necessary to my well-being, I know that the Divine Good includes all things that are necessary: food and shelter, love and friendship, and the accomplishment of every right purpose.

And so my faith, the faith of the little child in me, rises with expectancy to meet this new day in joy and to accept the bounty of heaven. With the faith of a little child I place my human hand in the invisible hand of the all-sustaining Good, and I let the miracle of Life and Love take place. I break my bread with thanks and distribute such good as I have to everyone I meet. I say of my own household and the households of others: God bless the four corners of this house, and the lintels blest, and bless the bed and bless the board, and bless each place of rest. And bless the door that opens wide to stranger as to kin, and bless each crystal windowpane that lets the sunlight in.             Ernest Holmes (paraphrased

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