Thursday, January 29, 2015

More want to use video DogTags and Body Bags - a Tribute to Barry Alexander

Dear Ron,
Dr. A. sent me your video and I was moved by it beyond words.  I am one of Ron’s PTSD counselors and I recently visited the VIETNAM EXPERIENCE with coworkers  and we are planning a collaboration between the EXPERIENCE and the VA.  One of my friends, Chauncey Clark, who is also a VN Veteran, helped to create this display and I sent him your video.  May he contact you regarding the possibility of their using it as part of the EXPERIENCE?
Thank you,
Glenna W.


Please share all over the place Dear Glenna, I am thinking seriously of going into facilitator training for this "Digital Story" process, as I have found it to be very therapeutic. I had an epiphany about the "body bag" not really mattering if it had his body or not. My dear Mom, held out for 27 years that he was MIA, as there was no knowing what was in the body bag. That is still a problem even worse in Iraq with all the IED's blowing up the vehicles. Daniel Rodriquez in his excellent book RISE talks about sometimes just putting torn uniforms and sand bags to approximate the weight of a human body in the bags. I have a copy of this excellent 2014 book, and just saw him recently here in the Medal of Honor Bowl, where I took 6 wounded warriors (most from Veterans on Deck with Dr. Ron's  permission - one of them did an interview there especially about VoD and said she would make sure he got a copy?).  Sony has the movie rights to RISE and Rodriquez is going on a speaking tour about his book. Daniel was in two different versions of hell in Iraq and Afghanistan, and barely came out alive and then almost committed suicide with PTSD afterwards and knew many who did or commit homicide. His book could be required reading for therapists working with Ptsd and I will gladly leave a copy with y'all to peruse.                   much appreciation, Ron Alexander
a Rise by Daniel.png

I am sending this to everyone!  This is wonderful to know about.  Thank you so much!

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