Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Another Joy Poem

without the concept of "source",
no explanation
no thing
without a Source,
no past,
no future
"frahusela" arrives...
the egg shape speckles on the wall,
"light coming through the blinds" ha!
just so
of light
of light,
dangling down the monitor
sloshing sounds,
not outside,
but inside;
there is no inside/outside
muffled "woman's voice",
the crackle of the pillow,
pen on paper
without the heavy clamp,
the law of binding meaning to it...
on it
there is no "it"
just because you have some crazy idea
what a "dog" is
or should be or do...
do you really think
for one instant
you have any power
to move even one
rain drop?
SO silly
so very, very silly
to make war
on the reflection in the mirror,
to try to divorce
your own reflection...
will never work
your shadow is a picture
of your relationship to light
and only disappears
in the light
when you smile at it,
just like
your reflection
in the mirror...
how can we possibly
not see the Light?!@
it's everywhere!!!
even at night,
it is only the light
that enables us to see

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