Saturday, January 31, 2015

A modern Jesus would be labeled ???

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Wow. LIKE US Uncut and invite your friends to like us too!
Janice Stenger not all Republicans, but you make a very important point. Very.
James Branham Yes, all Republicans. If you don't agree with this, then you would not be a Republican.

Janice Stenger I am not a Republican, but I don't like to make generalizations about all anything or anyone.

Ron Alexander Respect that Janice Stenger - I was watching Super Bowl with bunch of repubs, and they are well-meaning people - just a little unaware, however I believe in loving everybody...
LIKE: I live in harmony with people and with all situations that surround me. I see and feel the presence of Good running through everything. I have complete faith that this Divine Presence reveals Itself to me in every thought, in every word and in every act. Ernest Holmes

Ron Alexander As we all have the INNER PERFECT, unfortunately we all have that inner idiot, hopefully getting smaller and disappearing over time.
Ron Alexander Everything in our life is a reflection of our thoughts - whether we realize it or not!

Ra Divakar What you see is what you get. Flip Wilson (Janice Stenger)

Tsimi James Whatever you may believe you face in life, you face a mirror of yourself.

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