Sunday, December 28, 2014

What is spirituality to You?

Inter-dependence, co-dependence, in-dependence and dependence~~~What is spirituality to You?~~~
We are a birthing planet and dependent of one another for all and in every ways that life teaches and shows us....
When the truth is realized, the false drops off and no special effort is required to let go
To me; spirituality is a communion of heart, mind and soul... It's a bliss one can only experie...nce within whole. It's soul soaring~~~like a phoenix touching every aspect within the body, like a kundalini inpressing and outpressing a fire, a hunger, a thirst, a quench, a taste if vibrant colors igniting the physical to an awakening of seeing life through different eyes... the eyes of the heart, mind and soul cosmically entertwined, catapulting new re-membered experiences of "how life lived" before we entered this human body......
Rays of peacefulness, of nothingless, of tones of hu's vibrating every chakra, like a pathway of soft electrical currents quenching a thirst blending comfortably as whole heart.
Spirituality enhances the physical as a child once again highly motivated to learn everything and anything about the why's and the how's as we express through feelings and thoughts an awareness that intuition is your best teacher from eyes to see, ears to hear and most of all an understanding of its mystic course.....~~~~~leading you like a compass opening doors, protecting you like a dome, fragmenting your crossroads in this grand scale game "called life"; forever changing your "outlook" and your "inlook" as channels multidimentionally playing as One yet as Many.... like a matrix.... exchanging "attractor factors".
It is a force in your life.
Be the difference in "You".
Go to the core level like a "hypnotic writing lived from heart, mind and soul" of the book of You "I"
The world is a mirror, reflecting your inner self like a looking glass that supercharges the reflection of conscious and unconscious to reflections of opening more and more to "Ah Ha Moments" and builds faster an awareness of looking, unleashing explosive powers you are....
And who you are is a difference that love makes.
Be the "I" that when you look in someone's eyes you see the heart and everything you need and vice versa.... Lorane.... {{{ ♥}}}

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