Monday, December 8, 2014

" We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." ~Buddha

...begins by looking at your world and beginning to remove the ideas that there will always be wars, and the sick and poor, and the sad ...or the angry. Stop buying into these thoughts, and stop running them through your beautiful mind - a gorgeous fractal of Divinity that has transiently become conditioned to accidentally and innocently fall into a limited belief that "there are things that we cannot avoid". Because that isn't the Higher Truth.
Rather, we PERMIT these things by our belief in them, so let us believe in them no more. Instead, spend time thinking about the world you would LIKE to live in, and make it one that cradles each and every one of us, not just some. Don't worry about how it is to be accomplished - that isn't the function of your gorgeous, conscious mind. It's job is to ASK for it. ENVISION it. Imagine the world you want to be and watch the world begin to transform into that very thing.
" We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." ~Buddha

~ Un Asleep


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