Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sending out a bit of softening, a branch of welcoming for New Year

Sending out a bit of softening,
extending a branch of welcoming,
breathing into the final hours of a very tired year.
I know so many of us are wondering what to shed,
what to strengthen,
what to release,
what to embrace.
I honor where you are,
glad and grateful 
to have our paths cross this year.
What are you feeling called to ?
Peace on your path,
Tracy Soul Beckons

Artist ~ Susan Seddon Boulet
Sending out a bit of softening,
extending a branch of welcoming,
breathing into the final hours of a very tired year.
I know so many of us are wondering what to... shed,
what to strengthen,
what to release,
what to embrace.
I honor where you are,
glad and grateful
to have our paths cross this year.
What are you feeling called to ?

Peace on your path,
Tracy Soul Beckons

Artist ~ Susan Seddon Boulet

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