Thursday, December 18, 2014

Radiate love, care and compassion

In the past weeks there has been a lot of saddening news happening around our planet. Most recently the Australian hostage situation and the Pakistan school attack this week. We invite you to join us & take a few moments to put our love, care and compassion out to those affected by these terrible events. And let's remember throughout all the holiday busyness to pause a few moments each day to keep our love & care going out to others.
In the past weeks there has been a lot of saddening news happening around our planet. Most recently the Australian hostage situation and the Pakistan school attack this week. We invite you to join us & take a few moments to put our love, care and compassion out to those affected by these terrible events. And let's remember throughout all the holiday busyness to pause a few moments each day to keep our love & care going out to others.

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