Friday, December 19, 2014

Inner Protector

We all have an inner protector. 

This protector was manifested and called upon when we felt unsafe as a child. 

It is born from the instinctual part of us that will fight or run for safety when confronted. 

If this protector is acknowledged and respected then it is a compliment to ones life. 

If however one ignores, resents, becomes dependent on or suppresses the inner protector, it can come out as vicious, cruel, hurtful and energetically toxic. 

Befriend and validate to your inner protector it will then be your ally rather than your enemy. 

Blessings <3 Susan Seddon Boulet )
We all have an inner protector.
This protector was manifested and called upon when we felt unsafe as a child.
It is born from the instinctual part of us that ...will fight or run for safety when confronted.
If this protector is acknowledged and respected then it is a compliment to ones life.
If however one ignores, resents, becomes dependent on or suppresses the inner protector, it can come out as vicious, cruel, hurtful and energetically toxic.
Befriend and validate to your inner protector it will then be your ally rather than your enemy.
Blessings Susan Seddon Boulet )

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