Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Courageous Self-love vulnerability

How do I love this one sitting here and writing this? If love is the healer I know it to be then it is imperative that I am able to love her as much as I love you. As I read posts about "the body" and then about "love" I realize that it is easy to love the part of Self that knows truth and does her best to live it. Not so easy to love the part that thinks she is human and always wanted to be either perfect or to be someone else. As I write this I can see it is just another piece of the puzzle coming forth....Funny how that happens. Once something surfaces it is no longer hiding in the dark corners of the subconscious and can be brought into the Light. Then it no longer has control over us and we are once again set FREE!!! Celebration Time.
How do I love this one sitting here and writing this? If love is the healer I know it to be then it is imperative that I am able to love her as much as I love you. As I read posts about "the body" and then about "love" I realize that it is easy to love the part of Self that knows truth and does her best to live it. Not so easy to love the part that thinks she is human and always wanted to be either perfect or to be someone else. As I write this I can see it is just another piece of the puzzle coming forth....Funny how that happens. Once something surfaces it is no longer hiding in the dark corners of the subconscious and can be brought into the Light. Then it no longer has control over us and we are once again set FREE!!! Celebration Time.

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