Saturday, November 15, 2014

Should be enlightened by now

Tanya Jane Williams feeling free
Day Two
I should be enlightened by now
Is it true? Yes
Do I know for sure it's true? No
How do I feel when I think this thought?
Frustrated,impatient,like I'm missing some crucial knowledge to being enlightened.
How would I be if I didn't have this thought ?
Accepting where I am right now - allowing everything to be as it is,happy,content,enjoying life.
Turnaround to self: I shouldn't be enlightened by now.
1. Because it's already so.
2.It's just a concept
3. I'm ok exactly as I am
I've been trying to attain what's always been here and only resistance to reality and beliefs about things have seemed to be in the way. Besides there's no separate self to attain anything!

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