Saturday, November 22, 2014

Love is

1: I am LOVE. Pure LOVE. I rejoice in every experience I have through you. All of it. Do not feel guilty ever. That would be a declaration that my creation is not perfect. You are made of me, pure LOVE energy, so how could you not be perfect precisely as you are. I LOVE you without conditions and you cannot harm me, offend me or mak...e me judge you. I will always be in your heart to guide you, but if you hear me take your FREE will away, it is not me you listen too. LOVE is FREE. And so are you. We shall all eat at the same table in the invisible realm.


2: I am LOVE. Pure LOVE. I do not like you if you do not do what I wish you to do. So I have created something I call Hell to give you a thousand years of punishment for defying my will for you. Yes, I know it sounds vengeful and not especially godlike, but I have my reasons, and only those I consider better than you can know them. So you better render in the specified rooms and kneel down to show your surrender to my almighty power, or I will let you toast for Millenia. All I need from you is that you do as it is written in your holy books and that you worship me. And woe you if you don't.


The background:
The previous pope expressed that Hell should not be depicted as a physical place, but as a mental state, the absence of the experience of god. The present pope retracted that, but I believe the Catholic church will have to acknowledge the absurdity very soon, as it is impossible to live with that contradiction. As humanity is remembering their ONENESS with all, they also remember that all is LOVE, and so the notion of Hell become absurd, for that is not LOVE and so not god.

The goddess I know is pure LOVE and pure LOVE does not judge or condemn, so it would be absurd to imagine her creating Hell. For what reason? No being can lift a finger if source does not allow it, so how could anything happen against gods will. I know that god means the same as LOVE and FREEDOM, so you might believe that you broke gods will, if you use your FREE will, but that is what it is there for. Gods will for you is exactly your will for you. That is how much she LOVE you. That is what is most hard to believe until you let god be your friend.

It is up to you to decide what you find most likely. As always I advise you to ask your heart what is true for you. It is obvious that I am very biased in this matter, but your truth is in your heart, so remember to ask.

My truth is never better, but sometimes different.

Thank you for blessing me with the magical ONEder of your being of LIGHT.

I LOVE you
Bent Kim Lundberg
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