Monday, November 24, 2014

Paradoxical Truth?

Paradox and Confusion - The Guardians of Truth Upon entering a Zen temple in Japan, one will often encounter two fierce demon-like figures at either side of the entrance. These figures are referred to as the guardians of truth and are named paradox and confusion. The temple represents each individual's interior mind where truth can be found, only after seeing beyond paradox and confusion.
Elena, Thanks for asking, just an hour ago, I found out whose words they are - John Duckworth, the artist Buddhist Meditator. He is displaying at a local art gallery here, and meditates while the show is going on. I led a group through this immersive meditative art exhibit, and he met with us afterwards and I asked him who wrote the brochure and he stated "I did"...and I have no reason to doubt this humble brilliant man. - Paradox and Confusion - The Guardians of Truth Upon entering a Zen temple in Japan, one will often encounter two fierce demon-like figures at either side of the entrance. These figures are referred to as the guardians of truth and are named paradox and confusion. The temple represents each individual's interior mind where truth can be found, only after seeing beyond paradox and confusion. John Duckworth, Artist. Meditator

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