Monday, November 17, 2014

Jimmy Carter, at age 90 still working on Houses for Humanity!

He was a great president like Obama, many in our country just cannot abide Visionaries - too ignorantly inflexible for change!
Elena Salvador A hero. Bless him more and more.
Tammy Priddy Bennett He is my second favorite President, my first, John Adams, I believe would have approved.

Ellen Whiteside I Love Jimmy Carter. The only president to really do something to help others after his stint as President.

Ajike Williams I have always liked Jimmy Carter still do. Yes, you are right Ron people just can't deal with change, yet they love the conveniences this change in various things they have received. Let's see if we can take away their internet, their knee or elbow replacement we can all thank President Kennedy for all these modern inventions with out the space program they would not have a lot of things we all enjoy today. My dad said you can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink, that's them. lol

Mohan Bavirisetty I love this man - my role model. He builds beautifully handcrafted further, auctions this furniture and donates the money raised to charities. He is also the only to get to the truth about the plight of Palestinian people. It is "Apartheid" according to him.

Pamela Arrington We were talking about him recently when someone asked me what do Presidents do after they are no longer Presidents. I told them they open a library of their papers, go on lecture tours and raise money for their party. If you are Jimmy Carter and Miss Rosalyn, you go to work with Habitat for Humanity and build houses.
Ron Alexander A lot more than that, The Carter Center is a world-wide philanthropic helping place and have done a lot of work helping African nations with problems. Carter also still goes out and tries to help with peace treaties like in Isreal and other places. He deserved his Pulitzer Peace Prize

Pamela Arrington Absolutely. Even Clinton has intervened and acted as a go-between in negotiating a person's release by a foreign government. They stay busy.


Ron Alexander Oh, I forgot Valerie Stiehl and Pamela Arrington, Native Americans are very appreciative of him. He obtained the release of several activist leaders.
Jeeni Zucchini He is a great example to us boomers on how to grow into a functional and involved elder.
Linda Seidel President Carter a true, unappreciated Visionary, by the selfish & greedy!

Jeeni Zucchini And no cheating scandals of the marital or financial kind...  

Susan Grounding Yes - a great Visionary! And... For my Gram's 100th birthday, my mom wrote to all living presidents asking for a letter back. Jimmy was the only one who responded, bless his soul!

President Jimmy Carter just celebrated his 90th birthday & he still puts in a full work shift helping build Habitat for Humanity homes this week in Dallas & Fort Worth


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