Friday, November 21, 2014

Is is true that I am going to suffer today?

30 DAYS of INQUIRY using The WORK Of Byron Katie
Jane Bojung Park
Jane Bojung Park 6:25pm Nov 20
I am going to suffer today.
Is that true?

I am going to suffer today.
Can you absolutely know that that is true that I am going to suffer today?

How do you feel when you think that thought, I am going to suffer today?
I feel dreadful.

Who would you be without the thought,
I am going to suffer today?

Turn the thought around.
I am not going to suffer today.
1 I have three more hours to sleep before I have to start my day. And I can listen to some great sleep meditation to help me relax the whole time.
2 I have enough time to peacefully get ready for my long day because I woke up early enough.
3 Friday teams are usually strong.

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