Monday, November 17, 2014

I Am Love

"When I was a child, I knew I was Love. Then I had the thought that I was not, until I was forty-three and Truth came to me in the peace of the moment and I knew again that I was. Then I had the thought that I wasn’t, and instead of its lasting forty-three years, I recognized it now for what it was and am again the awareness of the I Am. Even that thought is two steps away from the Divine that can’t be told – only experienced". Byron Katie from "A cry in the desert".
"When I was a child, I knew I was Love. Then I had the thought that I was not, until I was forty-three and Truth came to me in the peace of the moment and I knew again that I was. Then I had the thought that I wasn’t, and instead of its lasting forty-three years, I recognized it now for what it was and am again the awareness of the I Am. Even that thought is two steps away from the Divine that can’t be told – only experienced". Byron Katie from "A cry in the desert".

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