Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happiest Country in World

Vilma D. López With also BIG BIG TAXES and the TOTAL responsibility and compromise of the people... the community. Unfortunately... I feel it does not happen the same way in the U.S. I think comparing this two settings doesn't work here... it's like insane... just saying.
Ron Alexander "Insane" is our governor of S.C. turning down billions of dollars for Obamacare which was to help the poor. And S.C. taxpayers still have to pay for it, plus the insurance goes up as most of the poor have to use E.R.s for clinics which rises up hospital costs. Hospitals wanted the gov. to accept the money for same reason

Vilma D. López Yes... equally insane !!!

Jennifer Lancrerot Shit what about our taxes also high! Plus paying for health insurance and still paying out of pocket! And forget about education cost!

JB Lewis The taxes are why all those things are covered. Unlike the US, they actually get a return out of their taxes. Really, isn't that what the government should do; use the collective resources in a united type of way?

Ron Alexander Brilliantly said, thanks JB Lewis, except most of our taxes go to the pentagon!

thanks Andy. A nurse from the ER that I visited the other night, has worked all over the country and Canada. She wishes she would that she had stayed in Canada, as she considers health as a "human right" not a commodity for making money. I agree with her.

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