Sunday, November 30, 2014

Giving LOVE

Rev. Kent has been preaching this for quite a while:
Richard Kent Matthews Even though some of the Teachers try, you cannot command people to love. One must come to love on his/her own terms and in his/her own way. It is a choice. And love, if understood correctly, is not emotion; it is action. Nothing happens until something moves.
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over. -Luke 6:18
We all wish to receive, but how many of us desire to give? If, as Jesus intimated, receiving is the other end of giving, then the more we give, the more we shall receive. "Who loses his life shall find it. "We should give the best we have to one another and to the world. This gift of Life is made without effort. It is the complete abandonment of the self to Life--a conscious letting go of all the tight strings of our being, a loosening of the Divine gifts within us. Only when we have learned to give all will we be in a position to receive all.
Today I give unstintingly to Life. I unloose the wellsprings of my being and make a complete deliverance of the self to Life. This I do spontaneously and with joy, withholding nothing. I will not do this with any hope of reward, but in the glad joy for the opportunity to increase my own livingness. Everything that I have belongs to the world. Giving, I receive the world back into my own consciousness.
Today is good, tomorrow will be even better, and that vista of tomorrows that stretches down the bright eternities of an endless future will all be good, for the nature of Reality cannot change. - Ernest Holmes - The Science of Mind & 365 (daily word)
I am Love, and Love is for giving.
You are Love, and Love is for giving.
We are Love, and Love is for giving. - Tom Pinkson

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