Sunday, November 16, 2014

Attacking yourself?

Dearest Family,
Many of you have heard me say, in my writings and words, “Please don’t do The Work on yourself yet.” For some of you, the time is now, and I invite you to it. What you are, angels, is all that you can be sure of. And yet you deny who and what you are. To my eyes you are beautiful, far beyond what your unquestioned mind’s capacity to understand has realized yet (and hopefully that is not true). As long as you believe stressful thoughts about you, you must remain as your own best-kept secret. 
This situation, however, leaves your mind to perceive you only as you wanted or want you to be in the world (past/future thinking), rather than as you truly are in the world. This unbelievable “you” situation positions who you are as always open to you as a mystery, an unknown, always open to question, and as unbelievable, untrue, and unreal to you, always a stranger to yourself, defensive, guarded, and very confused about your true nature. Do you see yourself as someone open to questioning? If so, I invite you to this inquiry immediately. I invite you to meet the stranger that you believe you to be, the love of your life, the one that you can love truly in each perceived moment of your dear and wonderful life. 
This is the time and this is the place, and you can’t miss it, as it is impossible to miss. You might begin by inquiring into “I don’t belong,” “I am unlovable,” “I want,” “I listen,” “I walk,” “I should/shouldn’t,” “I am.” Please take your time, as it truly is your time to take, it is the time you have made. Be slow, gentle; allow the answers to surface out of the depth and stillness that you can gift into the space, making room for the birth of your own dear resurrection. Do this for twenty minutes at least. 
When you get to the experience of turnarounds, allow examples of the turnarounds to live as strongly as their opposites have lived in you. For example, “I need,” turned around, is “I don’t need.” Give examples of how this is true in this moment now—not later or before in time, but right now in this moment; allow examples to surface out of the stillness of how “I don’t need….” is truer than, or at least as true as, “I need….” Then sit in this and watch it prove itself out with breath, food, water, going to the toilet. Be still and allow these truths to live themselves out in your mind’s eye. “I don’t need”: watch the truth of that in this moment now. 
Sit in this for twenty minutes before you do the following: Find other times in your life when you thought you needed something, and sit in the same situation in your mind as though it were happening now, and watch. What do you see? Do/did you really need anything (as you sit in that time warp as though it were now)? Watch without a story. Watch and witness everything you need coming to you without effort, and ask yourself if you even needed that, and that, and that, as you witness what was given in reality, what “happened.” 
Also, notice the friendliness of the universe as it continues (in this time warp) to give you what you “need” (in its own more-than-friendly way) and even much, much more, even though you are not asking for anything, insisting, demanding, or manipulating. Now open your heart to receive what comes as it comes. Notice, in that receiving, what you are giving, without giving anything other than awareness. Feel this for a while. 
After another ten minutes, spend ten more minutes watching “now” not needing anything again from here. Watch what comes to you without demands or self-planning actions. 
And finally, when you have sat in this, watch as you begin to be lived, walked, eaten, drunk, Worked, talked, slept, awakened. All of this without you. Then sit in another turnaround: “I am needed.” And watch the ways that you contribute—just by being you—to us, it, him, her, trees, sky, how everything needs you, just as you are, in order to exist. And notice, “Is there more?” Notice. Do you see that without you there is no life? 
I invite you to question the statement “There is life,” and the next and the next, day after day, for as long as there are days. Each time sit with yourself as you understand you to be and continue to Work you, sit in yourself, dismantle, de-create, dissolve into pure love, the one that cannot and doesn’t exist, the “you” you have believed you to be. And, in this, allow the one that you truly are to begin to surface into awareness, to begin to live in pure sight and awareness, and to know that it is always just a beginning. Be the true love that you sit in with this exercise, be your own answers, your wisdom, and allow the four questions and turnarounds to Work the “you” out of You—just to see what’s left (if anything). 
In deepest gratitude to you for my existence, 

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