Friday, November 14, 2014

A Brilliant Testament to Love


     Love is the Essence of my Being
                                                                                                                                     Ernest Holmes
    Let us love not in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth.-John 3:18
    Since God is Love, and God is All-in-All, Love must be the underlying principle of life, and therefore in all. This Life is my life. This Love is me. It is the very essence of my being. Love heals everything, every imperfection of mind or body or environment. Love alone may overcome hatred, anger, envy and criticism. Where Love is, there is no room for any negative emotion. Love is the great adjuster.
    I know that Love is harmony and peace and joy. In it is all good, all that is true, all that is beautiful. It is a perfect balance, perfect poise. I empty my mind and heart of all but Love. I let Love express in me and through me. I let Love flow into my world of thought and action. I am Love. The Love in me shines forth as harmony, peace, joy, freedom and wisdom. Love binds me to all creation. I find fulfillment through loving.
    (I usually paraphrase the old English of Ernest Holmes, however this piece stands perfect as it is, thank dear Man!)

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