Friday, October 17, 2014

The Only Thing to Fear is Fear itself!

OMG people ~ Are you kidding me?? You have bought into the ebola epidemic scare?? REALLY?  People are talking about NOT traveling already. What about this takes you to inexplicable FEAR??  1 death?? and 2 diagnosies (sp?)  Look at the statistics below!  How about changing your life to be FREE of all the cigarettes, faux cigarettes, gluten, GMO's, junk food, sugar, alcohol, etc. All the things that ARE killing you. 

Don't you see any connection to so called "scares" that always come out just before elections, wars, you name distract your attention from the important things. Don't you find this rather insulting to your intelligence? I sure hope so! The media makes money from wars, epidemic scares, etc., as much as the government does. The little hairs on the back of my neck are standing up over this ebola thing.

PLEASE DON'T FORGET THAT WHAT YOU FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON ~ AND WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS WHAT YOU GET, WHAT YOU MANIFEST! Do you want ebola?? I don't think so....then STOP calling it into your life. God knows NOTHING of disease, epidemics, pain and suffering! This is NOT a God disease. Man and ego, through mankind, created this as much as it creates all the rest of the destructive energies!  Enough said (by me) for now!     Namaste, Rev. Judy

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