Monday, October 13, 2014

Perfect Birthday Card

This is a perfect birthday card for me dear Sharon. A few months ago, my Mom, who had disinherited me shockingly, came back in Spirit and saved my life. I was lying in bed almost completely out of "energy" at 6 AM, the time I usually get up. I was very confused and Mom called out 3 times "Ronnie" in a very alarmed voice. I called the VA nurse and told her what was happening, and she told me to have someone drive me to E.R. I carefully managed to drive myself (just across the river) and it was found I had 3rd degree heart block intermittently thankfully but resting heart beat was only 33. They put me in I.C.U. right away and placed Pacemaker in my chest the next day. Now, with much more energy and clarity, I am leading a very good life. Beforehand, for months, I was thinking I was getting dementia and getting very depressed about it. However, the problem was not getting enough O2 to the brain. I hope you are doing well, and will visit this awesome site more often now!    You are LOVE, and LOVE is for giving. We are LOVE, and LOVE is for giving.               in much appreciation, ron

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