Friday, October 10, 2014

Name a Book that has Changed Your Life

To Kill A Mockingbird
Rachelle Johnson Tuesdays with Morrie!
Ron Alexander Journeys in Ladakh by Andrew Harvey - a best Spiritual Adventure!

Rachelle Johnson Eat, Pray, Love

Katherine Jennings Life after life. .

 Be Love Now by Ram Dass!
 Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

Rita Hawi I made it by my self!

Rula Lavender The Qur'an

Diane McEneaney Graves Bones of the Master: A journey to Secret Mongolia, by George Crane

Tera Lane Out on a Limb:)

Dan J Long Giovanni's Room

Mohan Bavirisetty Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy

Linda Raenelle Mahoney Christy by Catherine Marshall

Sharla Cokes-Emerson Fatal distractions by Joyce roghers

Ron Alexander Anne Frank's Autobiography

Mohan Bavirisetty I love Diary of Anne Frank, as well. My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi



Anne Matthews Umm, The Secret Doctrine, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Initiation Human and Solar,...
Zen Gardens Dominica The Celestine Prophesy, A Course in Miracles, The Earth Chronicles, The Biology of Belief. But the one that absolutely ROCKED MY WORLD was a little book I bought at the grocery checkout. It was written by Deepak Chopra and the format went like this: The letter "A" stands for aligned. And then he gives a sentence with the word aligned. When he got to the letter "H", it stood for the word happiness. The sentence was this: "Seek happiness first and everything else will follow." It took me 2 weeks of pondering that sentence to realize it was MY happiness I was supposed to be seeking. I was 47 years old at the time. Once I chose to seek my own happiness, I have been happy!!


Tsimi James A Course In Miracles...

Ron Alexander There is a Universe in Every Atom by The Dalai Lama

Tsimi James Yes there is...

Mohan Bavirisetty Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo

Ron Alexander Terrific to think about the relative distances in the atoms are the same as the planets and stars in the sky. Lot of Space

Mohan Bavirisetty That is right Ron. As is the microcosm so is the macrocosm. We can continue this analogy by saying As is the Universe so is the Cosmos (aka Multiverse)

Richard Kent Matthews The Game of God, Arthur Hancock

  • Mohan Bavirisetty The Elegant Universe by Brian Green

  • Burton F. Johnson Heaven is for real. Gail

  • Mohan Bavirisetty Bhagavad Gita by Ved Vyas

  • Ron Alexander I Have a Dream, Dr. Martin Luther King!

  • Mohan Bavirisetty The Universe Around Us by Sir James Jean

    Mohan Bavirisetty Lives by Plutarch

    Mohan Bavirisetty Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare (no pun intended )

    Ron Alexander Lost Horizon by James Hilton
    Mohan Bavirisetty Kingdom of God is Within Us by Leo Tolstoy

    Mohan Bavirisetty Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

    Mohan Bavirisetty Narrative Life of Fredrick Douglas, An American Slave by Frederick Douglas

    Ron Alexander Man's Search for Meaning, Dr. Victor Frankl

    Marian L. Fisher Almost every book I have read has had some effect on my life.


    Mohan Bavirisetty The Night by Elei Wiesel
    Mohan Bavirisetty The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - by Ilan Pappe

    Mohan Bavirisetty As a Man Thinketh So is He by James Allen

    Mohan Bavirisetty Travels by Marco Polo

    Mohan Bavirisetty Dialectics in Nature by Frederick Engles

    Rochelle Arch-Hayostek The Power of Now

    Elizabeth May Sutor Dante's Inferno

    Mohan Bavirisetty Psychology of Winning by Dennis Waitely

    Mohan Bavirisetty Divine Comedy by Dante

    Mohan Bavirisetty World without Wars by H.G. Wells

    Mohan Bavirisetty The Meaning of Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein

    Mohan Bavirisetty Candide by Voltaire

    Mohan Bavirisetty Mind on Fire (Emerson's Biography) Robert Richardson
    Mohan Bavirisetty Philosophic and Economic Manuscripts of 1844 by Karl Marx

    Ron Alexander Love is Letting Go of Fear by Jerry Jampolsky, M.D.

    Postive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

    The Prophet

     I love The Prophet by Khalil Gibran It is also one of the few physical books (hard copies) I own.
    Mohan Bavirisetty How Win and Influence Friends by Dale Carnegie

    Ron Alexander Me too, what a library Mohan Bavirisetty - are you a Professor of Literature?

    Poverty of Philosophy by Karl Marx
    Mohan Bavirisetty I am an eternal student of Nature (Scientist) and an incurable Live-Whyer

    Ron Alexander One of the best accidents I have had was when I moved here last Nov. and broke my television, and did not replace it. I have read more in these 11 mos. than in many years, and reread classics as some mentioned above. I am a writer so reading is so important to me!
    Mohan Bavirisetty Ascent of Man Jacob Bronowski

    Mohan Bavirisetty Manual of Self-Unfoldment by Swami Chinmayananda

    Ron Alexander Saved by the Light and Peace in the Light by Dannion Brinkley (an excellent account of Near Death Experiences- worked with Dr. Moody LIFE After Life


    Mohan Bavirisetty By far, the best influences on me are Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind and Science of Logic
    Tom Pinkson Ph D, ‎tom pinkson - 2013 - ‎No preview
    Start mapping your journey with these successful strategies, practical exercises and inspired reflections by elders. "This book directs the reader to creative approaches for harvesting the labor and lessons of a
    Homa LightChild A new earth by Eckhart Tolle

    Gisele Fahrbach The alchemist....paulo coelho.. Read it many times

    Mamie Rader So many! But most recently, Quiet by Susan Cain

    Ron Alexander Strength to Love by Martin Luther King, Jr - a compilation of some of his sermons - found it a The MLK Center in Atlanta - ordered many and gave them away - hard to find but a terrifically inspirational book!

    Ron Alexander Jack London's Books - mostly adventure, however his last one was a mystical book about a prisoner who knew how to leave his body and travel cosmically. A true story I am pretty sure. I picked it up at bookstore at his farm in Sonoma County - very interesting scientific methods he was working with on his farm.

     Le Rayon Vert - Jules Verne's search for the Green Flash (The Green Ray - the true green of Hope) His 1882 mystical novel
    Vilma D. López The Desapperance of the Universe by Gary R. Renard... for me... of other world !!! ♡
    Vilma D. López Yoga Sutras Patanjali... Swami Satchidananda !!! ♡

    Vilma D. López The books of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

    Tom Pinkson thanks for your support of my book Fruitful Aging; much appreciated. love, tom

    Dianna Blue Too many books to name, but one in mind is...The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson....

    Jackie Connell 'Dolphin Healing by Horace Dobbs

    Milla Dey Heal your body, Louise L. Hay.




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