Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Two Angel Mothers at the Attitudinal Healing Conference

Their children - Michael and Stacy - were Angels on Earth, and I was blessed to be with them in the Life-Threatened Young Adult Group in the late 1980's.  I am happy to find out that they have come back to their Mothers as Angels from Heaven and have helped heal their grief. 

This reunion was so important, as when I left the Center, I was confused about their "anger" at losing their children especially since my own Mother was angry about losing Barry in the Viet Nam War.
Meeting up with Bonnie Joy and Gerry was such a wonderful healing event, as here I was with two Mothers who had healed from their grief and displayed not a inkling of anger. In fact, it was all loving, and they told me that they felt as if they had "adopted" me as a son during those 3 days together. I say AMEN to that. Thank you both so much beautiful Bonnie Joy and Gerry. You are Love, and Love is for giving. We are Love, Love is for giving.
VB: I believe these woman are a gift to you at this time, showing you what is possible when one moves beyond grief. 
 Know that they love and appreciate you.  Accept this gift of love and healing!

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