Wednesday, October 1, 2014

More on our Blessed "Ego"

Ossie Marie
Ossie Marie11:54pm Sep 30
<< I have been to several Ashrams, where the "Guru" was supposedly without an "ego". A couple of them had been in silence for years. >>

One of gifts of The Work ... it is none of my business. Oh yeah Katie's saying for today .... "What I believe about me is my business; what you believe about me is your business"

There is no "what I believe about you is my business" in this equation.* When I believe what someone says or do is my business = suffering and perhaps time look at those judgments -- question them.

Those gurus you saw where you Ron and how you see Bill Thetford is how you see you and only these people (these projected concepts from mind) have the meaning you give them.

*Remember there is no one out there. :-)


Ossie Marie11:40pm Sep 30
I agree that ego is a concept (among many things) and from the metaphysics of ACIM is based on a wrong-minded belief that something can exists apart from reality. It is not any more real than bodies.

But believing in it does seem to make it so ... seem so real ... more that what it is. That is how powerful mind is.

Each path has its unique way of presenting the concept of an ego and people will connect with what resonate with them.

I so appreciate the clarity The Work provides me when it comes to ACIM. I don't follow Joy's poetry (or most poetry for that matter -- it has to come at me sideways -- a form of brain dyslexia ) but I so enjoyed the way she associated or connected the inquiry process of The Work and with the inquiry process of ACIM together --- got goose bumps.

As Katie mentioned earlier in one of her daily sayings, I am not commenting to Joy or anyone, I and connecting with thoughts and concepts ... never bodies.

I connected with ACIM not due to the scribes (they did their part and I am thankful), but to the message (something already known -- but forgotten)... if I was hung up on the scribes or the hundreds of teachers and interpretations, well as I'd stay stuck on the battleground ... or playing in the sandbox thinking this is where the action (aka problem) is. :::giggling:::

One mind.
Very good feedback Ossie Marie - Is it true that the "ego" exists apart from reality? That the "ego" causes problems? That the "body" causes separation and is not "real"? How can we be here now in this dimension without our "egos" and "bodies"?                        I agree with you that I am projecting on the "gurus" and on "Bill Thetford". I will take the Bill Thetford "projection" anytime!

Ossie Marie10:07am Oct 1
What I appreciate about both helen and bill is that along with katie they do not teach that what they share is the truth for everyone else, and emphasize to question everything and discover the truth within you.

Now We finally agree Ossie Marie, Ron!


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