Monday, October 27, 2014

Love Sings Joyously in my Heart

Starting the Day and the Week in a Loving Way:

Each morning before I get out of bed I say a prayer of intention for the day: “Please guide me in every moment, in every experience to ...always choose LOVE in all I think, say and do … every thought, word and deed.” When you consistently make that your objective for the day, you’ll find things flowing much more smoothly even when life’s challenges appear. Trust me … I’ve had lots of experience with this! ~Sherri Bishop
Thank you Sherri!
With Love I breath, I read inspiration, I refresh myself, I meditate, prepare tea and breakfast, I drink tea and eat, shower, greet friends, exercise, and write mindfully and gratefully!
Effie Aghili commented on a photo you shared.
Effie wrote: "Beautiful ♥ You always warm my heart with your inspiring and beautiful messages dear Ron ♥ Such a divine soul of love you are and have a heart of gold. ♥ Infinite love and big hugs to you and to your sweet spirit. ♥"
»• A JOYful Intention »•

Each morning before I get out of bed I say a prayer of intention for the day: “Please guide me in every moment, in every experience to always choose LOVE in all I think, say and do … every thought, word and deed.”  When you consistently make that your objective for the day, you’ll find things flowing much more smoothly even when life’s challenges appear. Trust me … I’ve had lots of experience with this! ~Sherri Bishop

Sherri ^_^ Incredible JOY

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