Thursday, October 9, 2014

Be Transformed - Renew Your Mind

Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your minds, so you may discover the will of God.  Romans 12:2

Knowing the truth leads me into a more abundant life. Today I affirm that with God all things are possible. I am conscious that the reality of my being is not separated from the Divine. I am not only one with God, God is also one with me and one in me. Deliberately I turn to this inner Self, knowing that it has no problems. It is never poor, sick, weak or unhappy. Persistently I practice the Divine Presence. I enter the gates of Good with praise and thanksgiving, finding joy and fulfillment in everything I do.

Complete prosperity is mine. Good is forever flowing, eternally manifesting itself to me. My good flows to me from every source, because I recognize all sources as Divine. My hands open to receive and remain open that they may again give out and thus multiply the Divine Gifts.

Today the Truth leads me into the possession of everything necessary to my well-being here on earth. When I discover the inner kingdom, with its spiritual gifts, the material gifts that shadow forth this inner kingdom will also make their appearance. I now forget any wrong that may have appeared in my outer world and, turning with gratitude to that inner Light. I think upon those things that are good. I no longer contend against people or events. In doing this I become emancipated from my previous bondage. Today, everything in my experience in made new. Today I expect and accept only good.                Ernest Holmes

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