Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Accused of being prowar just because I work with Veterans

Dear R, I respect you very much, however you just don't know the struggle I have had being pro-peace and working with most veterans. I was in the army at the same time my dear Brother Barry was killed in Viet Nam. I came very close to deserting. I remained very angry at the U.S I thought of immigrating to another country. I did sail away and did not listen or read any newspapers. I came back to find that Nixon was not president anymore. I rejoiced as he was president after promising peace for two terms when my Brother and most of the 58, 000 were killed. I became very ANTIWAR, then realized that some wars are necessary like WW11 where my father was wounded emotionally in Okinawa. I hated the Iraq war when Bush/Cheney bolted out of Afghanistan and failed in their promise to get Osama. Cheney lied about so much including the greedy comment that we would not have to worry about paying for it with all their oil wells. I traveled with students in busses to demonstrate for peace in Washington. I was dismayed at all the media only paying attention to the few hundred anti-protestors trying to cause trouble, and only European media out amongst us thousands of protestors. I voted for Obama and he has done his best to get us out, and I am very ambivalent about Hillary, although I would support her against any republican. However Hillary voted to go into Iraq and then gave Obama hell for not going into Syria. I have watched the budget since Viet Nam days and always so dismayed of the public's ignorance of how small the budget comparatively is to all of our Health, Education and Welfare with the DOD budget (which is different from the Veterans Budget), and which is the Pentagon, budget! I am still thinking of immigrating if the Military/Corporate interests take complete control if the Extreme Right wing takes over. I am PRO PEACE, yet I know how innocent everyone is at the core - Love is the Essence of our Beings - even our enemies - Sacred Activism is helping spread LIGht and LOve even to our enemies! Peace and LOve, Ron Alexander
In addition, I have had to struggle with grief and survivors guilt since my Brother died in that terrible useless wasteful war!

Joy Schultz commented on your photo.
Joy wrote: "Thank you for sharing your experiences, Ron. You are so right. There is no way I could know all that about you. I think I hear your love for peace. The photo you posted to me gives me the impression of some kind of love for the military. Not saying that is accurate, but that's what my take on it was. And I know nothing else about it but simply that photo.The videos Rula shared are related to war, but I see them as more than that--killing an unarmed man on a bicycle...and all the rest of it...where is there any honor in that? I am not about blaming any one either, but there are such things as laws and personal accountability. People go to prison for things like that. And that is NOT necessarily a bad thing--for the one going to prison. I understand that no can act differently when he is believing what he is believing in that moment. It is not possible for any of us to act differently than our beliefs. I see Rula as simply saying she does not honor such behavior. And for me I might take it even further. Rula said she would fight for her freedom. I am not so sure I would even do that. To fight for freedom seems like an oxymoron to me--like fighting/killing for peace/love/harmony. Attack will never bring peace. For me it is all about understanding, and understanding takes completely EXPOSING (bringing light to/enlightening us) of everything. I see those videos as exposing a part of what was hidden. And ultimately I see this all as an invitation for me to look within and find where I am this murderer of the man on the bicycle. What are my murderous warring thoughts and behavior? So yes, I would not make war on war or crime. I also don't give it medals and praise it and promote it and rationalize it. And I also don't deny that it is every individual's choice whether to participate or not. Draft or not. It is ultimately me that pulls the trigger. Any thing other than that is a lie. LIke that one soldier said in the video, the powers that be depend on our "obedience." And I respect all to have exactly the opinions they have. It can be no other way in this moment. Love and respect is the only way to experience inner or outer peace. There is more I could say here...and that's probably enough for now."
received my words as an accusation. They are not at all. I am simply explaining my point of view about the US wars against humanity, and I can not be Pro or cheer for anything relating to that. You've lost a brother so I am sure you know a little taste of what it means to lose someone for such shameful War. At least he had the choice and died for what he signed up for, unlike the civilians in all these countries who can't stand up and refuse to be under War...its not about War vs Peace...I support anyone who holds a weapon and fight for their freedom or as a protection against an invasion. I am an Arab and those millions killed in Iraq are my brothers and sisters in race, region, and humanity. You too are my brother in humanity. But please don't expect me to be happy when I see a soldier proud to have been in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan. If I were you, I would be working with soldiers towards not following orders and speaking up about what is really happening. Maybe that would be a

Rula Lavender My dear friend Ron Alexander I am sorry if you received my words as an accusation. They are not at all. I am simply explaining my point of view about the US wars against humanity, and I can not be Pro or cheer for anything relating to that. You've lost a brother so I am sure you know a little taste of what it means to lose someone for such shameful War. At least he had the choice and died for what he signed up for, unlike the civilians in all these countries who can't stand up and refuse to be under War...its not about War vs Peace...I support anyone who holds a weapon and fight for their freedom or as a protection against an invasion. I am an Arab and those millions killed in Iraq are my brothers and sisters in race, region, and humanity. You too are my brother in humanity. But please don't expect me to be happy when I see a soldier proud to have been in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan. If I were you, I would be working with soldiers towards not following orders and speaking up about what is really happening. Maybe that would be a redemption if you feel any guilt. Just saying


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